Rep. Lucceta Elmer's legal vote was denied by Democrats.
Yesterday as the Oregon House of Representatives gathered to bring a new bill to discussion on the house floor, Oregon Democrats have decided that Oregonians in McMinnville their representative shall not decide on a key issue of Measure 110. The Oregon House Republican Caucus in a press release shows that Representative Lucceta Elmer's (d-24) vote was ruled “out of order” by House Dems. This led to a defeat by one vote on Measure 110 reform.
The reform of measure 110, “HB 4036 would have reimposed Class A Misdemeanor penalties for drug possession, stiffened penalties for drug dealers and manufacturers, increased penalties for those who deal drugs that result in the death of another person, and mandated treatment through court diversion programs in order for offenders to avoid jail. It would have ended the activist-led boards that distribute tax dollars to ineffective drug-enabling organizations and redirected funding to county-level treatment initiatives.”
Representative Elmer in response to her of her vote being wrongly denied “Democrats denied my vote today to save their disastrous Measure 110 policy. This is an affront to democracy, all to appease the most radical pro-drug elements of our society. It is outrageous that the majority would stoop to these lengths to play politics and defeat a bill that earned the bipartisan votes needed for passage.”
Oregon Republican House Caucus Leader Jeff Helfrich denounced the House Dems “The majority’s antics today were shameful but unsurprising. They have pulled out every stop to keep Measure 110 alive because their loyalties lie with pro-drug activists. Republicans will continue to advocate for the people of Oregon who want to see an end to the drugs, crime, and homelessness caused by Measure 110’s abject failure.” In a show of unity, Oregon Republicans show support and back Representative Elmer.
The YCRP is asking all Republicans within House District-24 and Yamhill County to reach out to Representative Elmer’s Office in support of her efforts and contact Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Democrat Dan Rayfield in demanding his reasoning and let him know what you think when you legal representative vote was called “out of order” in a blatant dirty trick. This may only be a preview of some of the antics of Oregon Democrats, but now we are aware of what they might pull. The best way to beat these democrats who can only win by acting underhanded, is catching, exposing, and getting involved to make Oregon a better state for all who call Oregon home.
To read the full press release from the Oregon Republican House Caucus, click here.