How the Yamhill County Democrat Party Organized the Lawsuits Against Newberg Public Schools
This article investigates the involvement of the Yamhill County Democrat Party and how they organized the lawsuits against the Newberg Public School District because they desire to indoctrinate students in their fringe political ideology.
Investigative journalist, Carey Martell connects all the players to the political organizations that orchestrate actions. His premise is that justice was not served in the lawsuit against the Newberg School District for banning BLM and LGBTQ flags from the classroom. He shows the bias of the attorney defending the School District, Karen O’Kasey and of Judge Easterday. He makes clear that ORS 260.432 was not upheld.
From Carey Martell:
I believe the totality of the evidence I have presented indicates that not only did Judge Easterday not give a fair due process ruling to the Newberg School district in the lawsuit filed by Chelsea Shotts but that Easterday’s ruling ignores Oregon state law that limits political speech of public employees while they are working. It is not intended by the State that public teachers should be able to indoctrinate other people’s children in radical fringe political extremist ideologies.
I believe I have shown overwhelming evidence that the Yamhill County Democrat Party not only organized the display of political symbols in the Newberg Public School district via its subgroups Progressive Yamhill and Newberg Equity in Education, but also organized other activity such as the recalls against School Board Director Brian Shannon and Dave Brown, and the lawsuits against the board as well.
I would encourage the Newberg School Board to appeal this decision all the way to the Oregon Supreme Court if need be, because I do not believe Easterday’s ruling will stand in light of all of the evidence here I have presented that this lawsuit was politically motivated to permit an actual political party — the Yamhill County Democrat Party — to indoctrinate students in the public schools into radical fringe extremist ideologies using political symbols associated with their party.
Read the full expose from The Yamhill Advocate here…