Anarchist teacher’s crusade to indoctrinate your children into anti-American ideology exposed
‘Anarchist’ Middle School English Teacher Admits He Wants to ‘Burn Down the Entire System’ After Previously Being Exposed for ‘Woke’ Indoctrination of Students … ‘F**k’ the Parents … ‘I’m Your Parent Now’
• Tyler Wrynn, Will Rogers Middle School English Teacher: “I am an anarchist.”
• Wrynn: “So, I have a rather large TikTok following. I’m an authority figure. So, I [publish] a Christmas message of, ‘Hey, if your parents don’t love and support you for who you are this Christmas, f**k them. I’m your parent now. I love you. Drink some water. I’m proud of you.’”
• Wrynn: “The only thing that's a problem here [in Oklahoma] is that House Bill 1775 or something. I can get my license revoked for it, for being too woke…Trust me, I want to burn down the entire system.”
• Wrynn: “Eventually, you want to remove Christianity -- or religion [as a whole] -- from progressive thought, because religion is inherently hierarchical.”
[Tulsa, Okla. – Oct. 3, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video from its #SecretCurriculum series today exposing an Eighth Grade English Teacher who admits to indoctrinating children against the parents’ will with the end goal of overthrowing the American system of government. Tyler Wrynn, who is employed by Will Rogers Middle School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, told a Veritas journalist that he fears losing his job as an educator because it could get in the way of his ideological plans for the country. “The only thing that's a problem here [in Oklahoma] is that House Bill 1775 or something. I can get my license revoked for it, for being too woke…Trust me, I want to burn down the entire system,” Wrynn said. HB 1775 Emergency Rules states that its purpose is to “be the policy of the Oklahoma State Board of Education to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or sex in the form of bias, stereotyping, scapegoating, classification, or the categorical assignment of traits, morals, values, or characteristics based solely on race or sex. Public schools in this state shall be prohibited from engaging in race or sex-based discriminatory acts by utilizing these methods, which result in treating individuals differently on the basis of race or sex or the creation of a hostile environment.” In one section of HB 1775 labelled “Parents Rights,” the bill reads: Parents and legal guardians of students enrolled in Public Schools in this state shall have the right to inspect curriculum, instructional materials, classroom assignments, and lesson plans to ensure compliance with 70 O.S. §24-157(B). Consistent with 20 O.S. § 2001-2002, no public school shall interfere with or infringe upon the fundamental rights of parents to determine their child’s education. Wrynn, who describes himself as an “anarchist,” appears to take issue with parents who get involved in the education of their own children. “So, I have a rather large TikTok following. I’m an authority figure. So, I [publish] a Christmas message of, ‘Hey, if your parents don’t love and support you for who you are this Christmas, f**k them. I’m your parent now. I love you. Drink some water. I’m proud of you,’” he said. The English Teacher also discussed the issues he has with religion. “Eventually, you want to remove Christianity -- or religion [as a whole] -- from progressive thought, because religion is inherently hierarchical.” This educator had been previously exposed by Libs of Tik Tok, who reposted and called attention to a video where Wrynn insulted his students’ parents that refuse to conform to transgender ideology.
Local update: This extreme and hateful ideology appears to be infecting our local public schools right here in Yamhill County. Liberal, left wing group Progressive Yamhill a local chapter of George Soros funded Indivisible is currently raging against newly elected conservative school board members for doing what they were elected to do: get politics and activism out of schools & return to a focus on quality education.
If this video seems shocking to you you are not alone. If you think that it could never happen here in Yamhill County, you are mistaken. The Newberg School District is currently in a state of embattlement. In 2019/2020 parents and community members grew concerned at the rapid decline of educational standards in their schools that seemed to parallel the sharp rise in political activism among the staff and administrators. The people of Newberg used the power of the ballot box to elect a conservative majority board that ran on the promise of purging politics from schools and returning to high educational standards for our kids. A year later the voters nearly broke national turn out records to defeat a recall against those board members by Progressive Yamhill that cost the tax payers just under $90,000.00. Since their defeat the anti-conservative voices have only grown louder, angrier & more extreme. Teachers not allowed to display symbols of political activism under new district policy are breaking state law and removing American flags in protest. A pair of middle school counselors were recently relocated for telling concerned parents to ‘f#@k off’ on social media posts that were recorded in their campus office.
Concerned citizens are watching closely as a loud minority engages in acts of sabotage against the district and the board, mirroring struggles seen around the country.
We at the YCRP highly encourage you to attend your local school board meetings, get to know the board members and their ideologies. Get to know those who plan to run against them in future elections and get involved.